Monday, May 17, 2010


So, I have vacation until June 1st. I was planning to go visit some friends and my uncle in CO. I was really, really looking forward to it. Driving home from my last day at the office, my car broke down, bad fuel pump. It would have cost more to fix than the car was worth, and there were still major issues with the car (mostly electrical). So, I unexpectedly bought a new car on Friday, it was the right thing to do. But, it means that I must now conjure $1000-ish in sales tax in the next 30 days from thin air... There goes the much needed trip to visit friends in CO. This just wasn't any old friend, but an exmo whom I consider my brother because we have dealt with many of the same issues with our exes and the mormon church. I was looking forward to finally meeting my brother face-to-face, but the fucking car just *had* to break down.

So, here I sit, alone, wishing I was in CO smoking my pipe and sipping some bourbon with my brother. MW2 and booze is an extremely poor substitute for friendship. Who knows...I just might throw caution to the wind and connect with friends. Money is just money, right? Friendship is more important, right? *sigh* It sucks to be responsible...

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